Saturday, 22 March 2008

Eternal Spring

Le vent se lève!
Cherry Blossoms
Photographed this morning
At St. Marx Biedermeier Cemetery
3rd District


Clicking on the pictures
will transport you to images
from past visits to St. Marx Cemetery.


  1. I look forward to harvesting the cherries :-)

  2. Beautiful cherry blossoms. I can all but smell them!

  3. WoW...some very beautifully captured shots...simply love the beauty of spring..

    I am a bit too busy with my work now, which will continue, so couldn't visit your blog for sometime...anyway, I will check your other posts later whenever I will get the break.

  4. How is it you can have photos like yesterday's and photo like today's?!
    It's incredible!
    I love cherry blossoms - so exquisitely delicate.
    Wouldn't you love to go to Japan when all their cherry blossoms are in bloom?
    I love the clumps of bulbs in the first photo.
    Did you accidentally break off a little branch to take home?
    (Accidents DO happen!)

  5. How beautiful to wake up and see your images on my screen on Easter Day!

  6. Lovely, lovely shots!!! Boy, we could really use Spring here..

    Happy Easter Merisi xoxo

  7. What a gorgeous place!

  8. Lovely these photos full of spring beauty--thank you! Happy Easter weekend to you & yours! ((HUGS))

  9. gorgeous, sugar, simply stunning!

  10. Maalie:
    Cherries picking time is June! :-)

    I am looking forward to your future visits and hope to do get a breather every now and then, not least because I enjoy reading your blog!

  11. Sandycarlson:
    I didn't even know that there were that many cherry trees at St. Marx Cemetery. I was on my way from the airport and decided to check for the lilac blossom. The cherry blossoms were a pleasant surprise.

  12. freefalling:
    It may be March, but weather has been in April mode, snow one day, glorious sunshine the next. Today, Easter Sunday, was a rather gray and dull affair weatherwise.
    I'd love to go to Japan during Cherry blossom time, but I'd take a trip to Washington, DC any time. The Tidal Basin and several neighborhoods there are like a huge cloud of cherry blossoms. Incredibly beautiful.

  13. tut-tut:
    I am glad I could share these images with you. It was a really glorious walk there, among all the spring flowers and under the cherry trees.

    My Melange:
    Spring is fighting winter here too at the moment. Snow again tomorrow morning. Hope spring does win soon in your parts. Happy Easter, Robin!

  14. Seamus:
    Yes, it is. I have to pass through there every couple of month.

    the mother of this lot:
    Happy and joyous Easter to you to!

    I hope you do get to see some early tree blossoms during your stay in Pennsylvania. Happy Easter!

    Thank you, lots of joy to you this Sunday! :-)

  15. Your blossom photos are so beautifully composed and executed! Very artistic!

  16. SARA:
    Thank you!
    I could have stood there for hours, taking pictures. ;-)

  17. I could tell you just couldn’t get enough of those blossoms. It is a beautiful photo essay of your time there.

  18. -happy sigh- I am still waiting for such beauty, around here...

  19. Whow - lovely images, what a coincedence I am working on some project which has cherry blossom as the finding the images in real on your blog was just too good.


    xxx from a lil birdie from India !!


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