Monday, 17 March 2008

The Colors of Spring


  1. Definitely spring when the forsythia blooms! :)

  2. What is the fourth photo of? Looks like it will go great with my tea right now.

  3. Wow these are beautiful, wish we had those soon, lol. BTW thanks for visiting my blog, and glad I could help with watermark. Oh and thanks for the flower name, it is appreciated. Your sprig photos are amazing. Anna :)

  4. love spring, but sadly we dont have it here so i am enjoying spring via your blog,tks cheers :)

  5. Your colourful photos gives a hope here :)), thank you!!

  6. @ SYMUS:
    Forsythias are among the first heralds of spring. I shot this picture eleven days ago at the Stadtpark.

    @ CATHY:
    These confections are from a Viennese chocolatier, could be something made with almond paste.

    @ ANNA:
    I found you hanks to Julie of Virtual Voyage. I have yet to find a quiet moment to figure the watermarking process out. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!

    @ M. KATE:
    There are times when it is cold and gray that I wish for your kinder temperatures year round, and now that spring is here, I am grateful.

    @ LEENAM:
    You are welcome!
    May spring show up soon on your shores too! :-)

  7. I thought, "Wow, that child has a lot of legs..."

    Such wonderful pictures to cheer me up!

  8. Hi Merisi, just dropping by to say hello!

    Love all photos, very color and beautiful!

  9. HI! I am sorry to just now be coming around to thank you for the lovely comment on my blog the other day. I have been down with the flu, and I am just sort of coming out of it.
    I appreciate your coming by my blog off of David's interview. Thank you!
    You photos are wonderful. I am enjoying the very much. You have a really nice blog here.
    have a great day.


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