Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Melancholy September

Viennese Escapes
Weinviertel's September Landscape

I took this photos yesterday
during a short excursion to the
south-western part of the Weinviertel,
a wine-growing region north of Vienna.



  1. ma che belli questi campi a striscie ...
    bentornata dalle pccole fughe !!!

  2. Ciao Luc,
    ben tornato, pittore-poeta!
    Mi piace la tua scelta di "fughe" (fugue: An imitative polyphonic composition in which a theme or themes are stated successively in all of the voices of the contrapuntal structure), andrebbe anche bene come titolo di questo post, non e' vero? :-)

  3. For some strange reason, only the third photo is showing. But it's gorgeous (the berries in silhouette against the sky).

  4. LUC:

    Thank you for telling me. :-)
    I reloaded the photos.
    At least for now, they are up there. I have no idea what the reason for their disappearance was, the htm code looked as always.

  5. I love seeing other country's landscapes, it's so interesting to see how the fields and farmland differs, in the middle picture (with the houses) there are the most beautiful strips, which you don't see in the UK.


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