Sunday, 1 July 2007

Some of the Things I Love

Demel's roses

Annatorte at Demel's
Kohlmarkt 10
1st District

Zum Schwarzen Kameel
Bognergasse 5
1st District

The temper tantrum throwing angels
above the entrance
of the Viennese Cartier store.
Kohlmarkt 1 (on the Graben corner)
1st District

Caryatid at the corner of
Tuchlauben, Graben and Naglergasse.

Melange at Blaustern
Döblinger Gürtel 2
19th District

The subtle ways the wares in the shop windows at the
Augarten store are being shifted around.
Stock-im-Eisen-Platz (next to St. Stephan's Cathedral)
1st District

Martha Srna Modlitby's store windows
I feel giddy like a kid by only looking at
her beautifully arranged wares.
Naglergasse 1-3
1st District

The flowers and the night life
in the Night Kitchen


  1. Anonymous01 July, 2007

    Ahhh...another perfect rose! And I love when you show a 'melange' in your pictures....whonder why? ;)

  2. Anonymous01 July, 2007


    As soon as I am home from Italy, in two weeks, I'll start countings days till I go to Wien :-)

  3. Anonymous02 July, 2007

    simply breathtaking

  4. my melange:
    There are more roses up my sleeve (or better, up the street *g*).
    Your name sure evokes a longing for the right coffee, in a Viennese's heart at least. :-)

    Enjoy your Italian days and then, on to the next adventure! :-)

    Debbie Egizio:
    Thank you! I hope you can fulfill your longing in the not to far future.

    tongue in cheek:
    And so I think of your part of the world. :-) I am grateful for living here, but the world is wide for so many kinds of beauty. Sometimes I miss the wide open sky of your homeland.

  5. I would definitely run into things and people constantly from looking up at those cool temper tantrum angels and the caryatids! Vienna seems wonderful with so much to look at. And to eat.

  6. Oooh....I like the things you love!!!!!

  7. Bruce:
    I have almost run into things, but most of all, I've risked being run over by horses, trying to get the right shot. I have also noticed tourists craning their necks after seeing me pointing my camera up. Some ask what I am looking at, usually when I am after reflections. They are quite surprised when they realize there's more than one way to look at things Somepinkflowers *smile*). Thankfully, there's so much to see, because I usually am out and about in the same area and sometimes I am getting worried about my blog turning too bland with too much of the same. But then I get a zillion photos from the same corner ... :-)

  8. Gypsy Purple:
    Goodie, we can share! :-)

  9. LOVE the temper-tantruming cherub! :-) A great visual list.

  10. Oh yes, those angels are hilarious, aren't they? :-)

  11. All of it is so beautiful - makes me long for a visit. When I visited Vienna previously, I had a tired toddler in tow (layovers in between flights to and from the Middle East).

  12. Are those puttee crying out to go to Demels?


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