Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Walking by Viennese Cafés on a Rainy Morning

Café Central

Café Central

Raining cats and dogs?
No problem.
What are sun umbrellas for, anyway?
Café Meinl, on Graben

Café Meinl

More rain hardy folks
at Café Griensteidl

Cheering them on,
from the other side of the street
Hofburg, Michael's Wing fountain

Concert tickets, anyone?

By the time I walked* by Demel's,
the rain was coming down so hard,
they had to pull in their awning,
leaving people scrambling to find a dry spot inside.

One click here,
and you will be able to browse
more photos of Café Central. :-)

*) Walked by?
Well, yes. And no.
But that is another story. ;-)


  1. Merisi! I bought peonie's at my local groecerry store last night! I'll take pictures for you.

  2. Anonymous05 June, 2007

    I was going to ask you about this walking by.....now I look forward to the "another story" :-)

  3. SARA:
    I shall sneak over to California to have a look! :-)

    You missed the sequel by half an hour. ;-)


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