Thursday, 31 May 2007

Stormy Weather

Am Graben
May 29, 4.59pm

Meinl Building
Am Graben
May 29, 5.07pm

Graben and Naglergasse
May 29, 5.07pm

Hütteldorf Train Station
14th District
May 29, 18.39pm

9th District
May 28, 7.14pm

Josefstädter Gürtel
8th District
May 28, 7.21pm


  1. What an amazing sky. I love those dark purply skies that threaten a storm, especially when contrasted with the bright yellowish green on new leaves in the spring.

  2. La prima e la seconda hanno un cielo con un colore che mi fa impazzire. La terza è perfetta per farci un acquerello delle serie monocromie sulle periferie delle città.
    Ciao ! ;^)

  3. scusa. ho contato male. 2 e 3. e 4.
    ;^) un poco rimbambito ;^)

  4. What lovely pictures it made.....

  5. Pretty impressive storm clouds! Something that we have been strangely lacking in the Pacific Northwest this spring...

  6. That sky -- so turbulent looking but paused, waiting to strike!

  7. lorenzothellama:
    As you can see, I am a fellow cloud chaser. ;-) I am looking forward to your sights.

    After such a crueling working weekend, filled to the max with numbers crunching, I can understand your brain refuses to count even the simplest numbers. :-)
    Is this Domenico Modugno singing "Contare", lately? *chuckle*)
    Gypsy Purple:
    Thank you. :-)

    tlc illustration:
    We have been blessed by so much great weather, I truly enjoy seeing clouds every now and then. :-)

    They were waiting to be photographed! :-)


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