Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Flowers in the City.

White peonies on Lime green linen

Shakespeare & Co Books

Cafe' Hawelka




  1. More lovely flowers... Is the city really as beautiful as the pictures you post all over? Or are you carefully selective?

  2. Anonymous29 May, 2007

    Certainly you are one of Vienna's prettiest flowers.

  3. The flowers are all so lovely it's hard to choose a favorite, altho I especially like the top two. Have a good week!

  4. Lovely flowers - seems to be part of life everywhere....!I loved the way second pic shows the flowers with printed linen

  5. Anonymous29 May, 2007

    You have a wonderful eye for details :-)

  6. I bet I can complete the tile of the book half-concealed in the fifth photo:

    It is "eat wasps?"

  7. Anonymous30 May, 2007

    Oh my! I just found you. What gorgeous photos you have. They're so inspiring and just a delight to look at. I plan on visiting again.

  8. Oh wow....can`t get enough of these stunning flowers...thanks Merisi!!!!!

  9. hey mallie! great photos huh! :o)

  10. Sono riemerso dall'abisso, dopo 2 giorni passati senza dormire e lavorando sotto uno stress notevole. ieri sera son tornato a casa alle 21:00 e sono crollato sul letto fino a stamattina alle 10.
    Ora sto meglio ... un po più riposato. Nel frattempo qui è piovuto e piove di continuo, con sole e nuvole che si corron dietro continuamente. E la temperatura se ne è andata giù di alemno 10 gradi ed a volte fa pure un poco freddo. Questo clima ci farà impazzire ormai.
    Buona giornata, però !!!

  11. As usual, all so pretty and well photographed.

  12. Anonymous30 May, 2007

    My favorite picture in the peonies at the bookstore. *sigh* They make me want to hide in a corner with a new book and a coffee!!

  13. Gorgeous flowers! Great photos, Merisi!

  14. The title of Albert Jack's book looks interesting.

  15. Anonymous31 May, 2007

    i can't decide which of them i love the most...so beautiful.

  16. Anonymous31 May, 2007

    I came to thank you for visiting my blog and for commenting there.

    Yes, your guide to North American Birds is probably all but useless where you are now. I have no idea what would be the ideal substitute, or even if there are other books about birds for different countries.

    I have something of a problem myself when I try to comment on pictures of birds on blogs from people all over the world. Sometimes their birds are similar but are totally different.

    I looked at your cut flower photographs and was stunned by the white peony. I have an old pink double and thought it was Victorian but I am beginning to think you have a better shot of that category than I do. I really like that white peony.

    I also like your blog and what you are doing.

    Brookville Daily Photo
    My Photography

  17. I came to you through "Paris Breakfasts" and I'm so excited to see such beautiful imagery.

    I will stop back often !!!!

  18. Thank you all for your visits and your comments.
    I'll try to visit all of your blogs, to thank you in person.
    I enjoy your comments immensely. :-)

  19. Antonia:
    You rascal, where are you hiding your blog?
    Thank you so much for thinking of me, I am truly touched. Can't wait to have you here in Vienna with the rest of the gang (what a reunion, who'd have ever thought so many of the old crowd would come together here one day? Small country, big visitors!).


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.