Friday, 5 January 2007

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas


Three French Hens?
Two Turtle Doves?
A Partridge?
In a birdcage?

Decorated butter cookies

Miniature Guglhupf cakes
(pronounced "Googlehoopf")

Somebody please call Animal Protection Services!

Fashion victim?


Looking for Santa?

Eleventh Day of Christmas Special:
A Christmas Story trailer.



  1. Fascinating, lovely stuff as per usual. Love the bird cage. And the butter cookies (and I MUST remember to NOT look at your blog before dinner. All hungry now!)

  2. Cookies too pretty to eat! I love the birdcage and the little fashion victim... was he handmade I wonder?
    Are you staying warm? The snow melted here and it isn't too bad now.


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