Saturday 30 April 2011

The Best Strawberry Napoleon Ever
Pâtisserie Zauner in Bad Ischl

The best Strawberry Napoleon ever:
Zauner's Erdbeer-Cremeschnitte

Mille-feuille aux fraises

Crème pâtissière and
strawberry flavoured crème en chantilly
cradled between two layers
of pâte feuilletée ridolent of fresh butter
and just the lightest touch of caramel - perfection!

Zauner's superb pâte feuilletée has nothing in common
with the puff pastry you'll find in the frozen section
of your supermarket,
and the cream filling is so light and fluffy,
yet so luscious that - once you have savoured it -
you'll dream of it for the rest of your life.

I am pondering right now if I can afford
to drive three hours to Bad Ischl
tomorrow morning to be there when the Napoleons
are marching fresh out of the pastry kitchen -
and >before< they run out! -
and then drive
three hours back to Vienna.

Did I mention that the strawberries
on top taste like the ripe berries you
found in your grandmother's strawberry patch,
sweet and full of flavour?


Café-Pâtisserie Zauner
Bad Ischl
Upper Austria
Upper Austria


Images and Text
© by Merisi

Friday 29 April 2011

Drinking Coffee Elsewhere
Café-Konditorei Zauner in Bad Ischl

Waking up
300 km from where
you'd thought you'd be
the evening before

The morning sweetened
with rock candy
and brightened by sunshine

A pot of Earl Grey
and what is - for my taste -
the best croissant
in the whole wide world,
Zauner's Ischler Kipferl:
Golden buttery brioche layers
rolled with roasted ground hazelnuts.
Austrian pâtissiers are masters at
this kind of pastry,
Zauner's creation
is one of the best I have ever tasted

Café-Konditorei Zauner
Bad Ischl
Upper Austria


Images and Text
© by Merisi

Thursday 28 April 2011

Five o'clock in Venice
Viennese Escapes

Venetian Spritz
Aperitivo Select,
Prosecco, sparkling water,
a citrus slice and
a few ice cubes -
Cin cin!

"Row home? must we row home? Too surely
Know I where its front's demurely
Over the Giudecca piled;
Window just with window mating,
Door on door exactly waiting ... " *

"Oh, which were best, to roam or rest?
The land's lap or the water's breast?
To sleep on yellow millet-sheaves,
Or swim in lucid shallows just
Eluding water-lily leaves ... " *

© by Merisi

*) Quoted from
Robert Browning's
poem "In a Gondola"


Why Venice?
Why now?
It's all Carol's fault:
Instead of offering Paris Breakfasts,
lately she has been taking me to
the most beautiful places
and up and down the canals
and calli of Venice,
making me long for that fair city
more than ever.
Click yourself over there -
here ->Paris Breakfast does Venice,
if you dare! ;-)

Bon viaggio!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

In the Morning
Green Hues of April in Vienna

In the morning of life,
when its cares are unknown,

And its pleasures
in all their new lustre begin,

When we live
in a bright-beaming world of our own,

And the light
that surrounds us is all from within;

Oh 'tis not, believe me,
in that happy time

We can love, as in hours of less transport we may; --
Of our smiles, of our hopes, 'tis the gay sunny prime,
But affection is truest when these fade away.

Quoted from Thomas Moore's
"In the Morning of Life"

© by Merisi
April 2010
in the 13th District's
Roter Berg neighbourhood

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Coffee, Anyone?
Kleiner Brauner at Café Diglas

Ein Kleiner Brauner
Espresso coffee, served the Viennese way
on a silver tray with a glass of water

Café Diglas


Images and Text
© by Merisi

Monday 25 April 2011

Easter in Vienna
Of Meringue laying Hens
and Eggs in a Cup

White Meringue Egg
laid by a

Meringue Hen
living the sweet life in

Demel's Shop Window
where her handi(?)work
is proudly displayed

while a common white egg
hides away in a dainty cup
in another shop window
at Graben Square


in Vienna by Merisi
9 April 2011

Images and Text
© by Merisi

Saturday 23 April 2011

Friday 22 April 2011

Celebrating Spring
Vienna in Green and Gold

Johann Strauss Memorial
9 April 2011

View from the Art Nouveau river gate
over the Wien river,
the blue sky reflected in the windows
of the InterContinental Hotel
across the river at Johannesgasse
9 April 2011

Apartment Building
21 April 2011

Secret Garden
21 April 2011

Yellow and White Tulips
Wien River
entrance to Stadtpark
9 April 2011


Images and Text
© by Merisi

Thursday 21 April 2011

Vienna in April
In a Cloud of Lilac Flowers

Lilac Flowers
Photographed on
19 April 2011
walking from the
U6 Metro Station
towards Burggasse
7th District


Images and Text
© by Merisi

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Morning in the City

Early Birds
While the city
slowly wakes from slumber,
St. Francis is already

Paglia di Vienna *
Still all quiet
at Ballgasse

Gavin, this one is for you, **
I left it extra large,
just click on it *)

Clip-clip go the scissors
at Herrenfriseur Giehl

Morning Reader
In the right spot
at the right time

*) Cane seating?
I remember Paglia di Vienna
from Rome, but still don't know
how the Viennese
would call it.

**) Dear readers,
may I invite you to visit
Gavin Plumley's blog "Entartete Music"?
He generously shares his
immense knowledge and insight
about music, visual arts, literature,
notes from his travels,
in short, anything he writes about
is a pleasure to read.


Vienna on the morning
of 9 April 2011
Images and Text
© by Merisi

Monday 18 April 2011

Ready for an escape to Paris?

Are you ready

for a carriage ride?

Or would you rather
just relax
and travel virtually?
How about Paris?
A young Viennese photographer
with camera on standby
is ready to take you
to the city of light:
Catharina's Window to Paris

9 April 2011
Images and Text
© by Merisi

Sunday 17 April 2011

Vienna at Easter
Egg Hunt in the City

St. Peter's Church
Egg-shaped dome?

Hand-Painted Egg
in equally precious teacup

Yellow Peeps
Or is this a duck, reading?

Golden Eggs
Where else, but at

9 April 2011


Images and Text
© by Merisi

Friday 15 April 2011

Urban Graffiti

a city

where graffiti
and streetart

were not


Sunday Afternoon
30 January 2011
7th District


© by Merisi

Thursday 14 April 2011

Café Hawelka
Where once upon a time is now

"... it must be said

that the Viennese coffeehouse

is a particular institution
which is not comparable to any other
in the world..."

* Stefan Zweig,
"The World of Yesterday.
Memories of a European"

I remember reading those lines
for the first time, far from Vienna,
and I have reread Zweig's poignant memoirs
a few times since.

It still seems unreal
that I live here now and
more than five years have passed
since I first set foot into Hawelka's.
I still think of Stefan Zweig
when I go there.

Hawelka's coffee Melange is among Vienna's best.
I often need two, to last me through my readings,
with a soft-boiled egg - brain food, you know.

Saturday morning at
Café Hawelka


Leopold Hawelka,
who opened this café in 1939
with his wife Josefine,
celebrated his 100th birthday
this past Monday.
Happy belated birthday,
Herr Hawelka!

Images and own text
© by Merisi